Labels of Convenience
Why, hello there. I’m Belle, and I am one of the new writers for Queereka. Will should be along at some point to announce the others and introduce us, but I’m not patient enough to wait to post, the...
View ArticleThinking like a Mathematician
Warning! Math-related post! Don’t let that scare you off! Math can actually be fun, and will help your reasoning abilities. — As I was wandering around the blogosphere, I stumbled upon an interesting...
View ArticleAI: Reopening a can of worms
*Trigger warning* Burchill/Moore incident, again… A few articles that cover what happened rather well, in my humble option: Lindey West, Natalie Reed Just as things have calmed down around the...
View ArticleQUICKIES 2013-02-13
New record for largest prime integer known having 17,425,170 digets! Old news, but I haven’t seen it talked about in the skeptic community. I also would like to satisfy my mathematical side. The Pope...
View ArticleMonthly Mathematics: Group theory and Topology
This is an idea that popped into my mind a while back that I’ve really wanted to make a thing. I think the monthly mathematics could be a really useful facility for skeptics to practice critical...
View ArticleMontely mathematics: Some Algebra(s)
Initially, I would like to congratulate Miller for quickly answering both questions last month. Now, to mathematics. The topic for this month is a hodgepodge of linear algebra, field theory, and...
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